Direct Mail Effectiveness – Statistics

Direct Mail is one of the most effective Marketing Strategies out there, according to recent statistics (Source). It has been making a difference to Marketeers and Customers alike, with many of the UK population responding to a Direct Mail piece they received in the past year. Let’s take a look at the Effectiveness of Direct Mail:

  • In 2011-12 an average of 82% of direct mail was opened, including 96% for pharmaceuticals and 94% for car dealerships mail.
  • The percentage who kept mail for future reference has remained constant at around 18%.
  • 17.8m people ordered after receiving a mail order catalogue in the past 12 months.
  • 17.86m adults have shopped via mail order in the last 12 months.
  • 62% of adults who have shopped via mail order in the last 12 months browsed in a catalogue before ordering.

Direct Mail activity delivered the strongest return with an ROI of £4.60. Its performance has proven considerably stronger than the client’s search and above-the-line activity.
Return on Investment Statistics

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  • 56% of people welcome mail that gives them useful information.
  • 70% of people welcome mail that reward their loyalty.
  • 64% of people welcome mail from companies they are a customer of.
  • 77% of people like being informed of special offers and promotions.
  • 47% of consumers are more likely to open mail if it has a smell.
  • 49% of adults are more likely to open mail if they are intrigued by the package.
  • 44% of UK adults have done something in the last 12 months as a result of the direct mail they’ve received.
  • 96% of Direct Mail offers an email or website response option.
  • 97% of Direct Mail offers a telephone contact number.
  • The TV component of campaigns pays back 37% more when direct mail is in the mix.
  • 62% like to receive mail telling them about better offers or new services

When using email marketing in conjunction with other channels, which channels have you experienced most success with?

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Direct Mail vs. Email

DM vs E copy

  • 48% of customers felt that information received by direct mail was easy to take in compared with 20% by email.

As we look to the future, we are seeing definitive trends towards high-quality Direct Mail pieces being sent out. As Print Technology grows, so will the variety and individuality of a Mail Piece. Direct Mail is still relevant today and is still the most targeted form of advertising and will still give you a fantastic Return on Investment.
(Information From Royal Mail SMP)

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