Direct Mail Is Stronger Than Ever, Thanks To The Internet…

Have you ever wondered why, when everything is available for sale on your smart-phone, Direct Mail is the most used form of marketing? Direct Mail plays a very important role in the growing world of online shopping – Today’s Direct Mail campaigns are an extension of a company’s outlet – Much like the shop window, you are given the best of what’s inside. Direct Mail marketeers hope that shoppers will be attracted to the cutout vouchers and discount codes. Then the shoppers head online, or to a store, to buy. This new way of thinking has resulted in a different look and feel for Direct Mail campaigns. They are no longer bulky, written like essays, listing virtually everything a company has to offer.

Here are a few of our suggestions for sending out Direct Mail:

Tell the Full Story
Your “sales pitch” is critical in grabbing someone’s attention, make sure the message your trying to get across is the first thing your readers look at. Include content on what you stand for, and any other products you sell give your customers a choice! The more choice you give them, the more information they have to make an informed purchase decision.

Mail to a Select Database
Shoppers generally spend 10-15 minutes with a Direct Mail Piece and only about 8 minutes with an iPad app. It’s critical to test different segments of your database. Mail to some of your best customers. The traditional range of RFM – regency, frequency and monetary – is still a good database plan.

In Stock vs. Out of Stock
Nearly everyone uses computers for inventory management and control. But for some reason, some companies fail to recognise the inventory levels at their stores, and have sent out mailers advertising items that aren’t in stock. It’s not only embarrassing for the company when this happens, its disappointing for the customer when the realise there ideal product is not available. With that in mind, shop owners must ensure that they know what stock is in and what should be used in the offer, and what stock they have run out of so that there is no mention of it in the advertisement.

The Cost of Direct Mail
Direct Mail pieces are much cheaper to produce than many people think. All the printing, mailing, data costs, and expenses for a Mailing House aren’t as significant as everyone says – So what’s the potential return? Responses rates and order sizes are the main selling point. Some marketeers change the page count for catalogues mailed to regular buyers (more pages) and those mailed to prospects (fewer pages). That’s a reasonable way to hold costs down. Whatever size catalogue you choose to mail, it’s still a reminder to go to the website or the actual store

There is no hiding from the fact that we are in the age of the Internet, but a multi-pronged marketing mix that includes Direct Mail is definitely worth considering. Research has indicated that shoppers will spend more – either online or in your retail store – after browsing a Direct Mail Piece. In fact, in 2013 11.9 billion Direct Mail catalogues were mailed, not taking into account the number of postcards, letters, leaflets, booklets or flyers. All companies had to get smarter about how to send mail, when to send mail, and who to send mail to and lo and behold, they did! – No wonder Direct Mail is still the most popular form of marketing.

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