Direct Mail Statistics 2012

In 2011, 21.9 million UK adults took action thanks to Direct Mail they received

Surprised by that figure? Don’t be – Direct Mail is still making a difference to marketers and customers alike, with an impressive 48% of the UK population responding to a Direct Mail piece they received in the past year. Let’s take a look at some more Direct Mail statistics for 2012.

Consumer Response

  • Of the 21.9 million UK adults to respond to Direct Mail, 6.2 million went online to order something, and 7.3m went to a store to order something in person (Royal Mail, 2011).
  • 8.3 million of those who received a mail piece kept it to view again in the future (Royal Mail, 2011).
  • 9 out of 10 people open Direct Mail (FastMAP).
  • 49% of adults are more likely to open Direct Mail if they are intrigued by the package (British Market Research Bureau, 2010).
  • 75% of customers like receiving special offers and vouchers via Direct Mail (British Market Research Bureau, 2010).
  • Direct Mail response rates stand at 3.42% (Direct Marketing Association).
  • The opening rate for Direct Mail sent to prospects stands at 91%, making it the best way to bring on board new customers (Billets Media Monitoring).
  • 95% of mail from stores, 95% of mail from gambling companies and 99% of mail from department stores is opened or responded to (Billets Media Monitoring).
  • The opening rate for Direct Mail sent to prospects stands at 91%, making it the best way to bring on board new customers (Billets Media Monitoring).
  • 17.7m people ordered after receiving a mail order catalogue in the past 12 months (Royal Mail Consumer Panel, 2010).

Return on Investment and Costs

  • Catalogues have the lowest cost per lead of all Direct Mail, followed by inserts (Direct Marketing Agency).
  • 34% of business to consumer marketers consider Direct Mail to provide the best return on investment, making it the best method of marketing in their view (Target Marketing).
  • 29% of marketers are increasing their Direct Mail budgets in 2012, and 49% will keep their budgets the same (Target Marketing).
  • The ROI of Direct Mail has increased year-on-year for the last decade, standing at £3.20 in the last OMD Brand Science report.


  • Though it is often regarded as being bad for the environment, Direct Mail actually contributed less than 1% of the total UK landfill waste, according to the 2007 findings of DEFRA Waste Strategy for England.

Looking into the future, we are seeing definitive trends towards high-quality mail pieces being sent out. As print technology grows, so will the variety and individuality of a mail piece. Direct Mail is still relevant today and is still the most targeted form of advertising and will still give you a fantastic return on investment. 
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