Direct Mail Statistics 2014

There is no denying the fact that we now live in the “digital age”. That doesn’t necessarily mean that new technology is guaranteed to work for your business.

In fact, a recent study has all but concluded that the migration of eyeballs to digital channels from traditional channels is a myth. Despite popular belief, even younger demographics are influenced by Direct Mail.

Another study group of 9,000 participants revealed that some 62% of people believe Direct Mail is the most effective form of marketing. The implication is that the scaling back of investment by brands in three of the top five channels – press, Direct Mail and catalogues – is misguided.

All 9,000 people were asked how useful different communications channels are across 45 real-life scenarios. To gauge how effective they are in influencing things like the purchase decision, customer retention loyalty and brand switching

A group of small to medium businesses spending an average of £1000/year on advertising were asked: “Do you plan to spend more or less on the following advertising method in 2014?”

The Infographic below shows the results:
Direct Mail Statistics 2014 Ver2 [WEB]

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