Embracing Sustainability: CMS Joins the West Midlands Net Zero Pledge

Central Mailing Services are committed to a sustainable future for the business. A key part of that is our drive to reduce our carbon footprint.

We are delighted to announce that we have joined the West Midlands Net Zero Business Pledge.

The Organisation works with West Midlands based firms to enable them to commit to reducing their Carbon Footprint and reach net zero. The Pledge allows CMS to benefit from advice, support, and guidance as we work towards our ambitious plan to become net carbon Zero by 2028.

Our commitment to such an aggressive reduction in our carbon emissions involves all aspects of the business. From large scale projects such as moving to solar energy and investing in new plant and machinery to working with staff, visitors, customers, and suppliers to make small changes that can all add up.

We are actively engaging with other business within the West Midlands region to collectively work to the common goal of carbon reduction.Ā  Internally the business has formed a working group that has reviewed every part of Central Mailing Services and identified how we can meet our goal to achieve net zero. Every staff member, customer, supplier, and visitor to CMS are part of this journey.

We also hope that by highlighting our activity, we encourage other business to make the same step forward and become involved in the pledge.

As a business Central Mailing Services cannot stand still on our commitment to the environment. We always look to lead and inspire, not only within the print and mailing industry, but also in the wider region too.

The work to continually improve as a business in all areas of sustainability will never stop. Every reduction in carbon, every improvement in operational efficiency we see not only as a positive for the business but for everyone.

Find out more at www.wmca.org.uk/netzeropledge

#WMNetZeroPledge #WM2041

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