Environmentally Friendly Mailing House

Mailing Houses Are Environmentally Friendly!

Many believe that a mailing house can’t possibly be environmentally friendly, but this isn’t true. Central Mailing takes the environment seriously and we like to make sure we take care of it properly. Let’s find out how:

Biodegradable Poly:

We carry out a lot of polywrap jobs which means a lot of plastic. To avoid plastic waste, we have changed to a biodegradable alternative and if used and disposed of correctly, polywrap is 100% recyclable. It is a light but strong material making it a great alternative to normal plastic options. As well as this, unlike many other paper alternatives, polythene does not require any harmful chemicals for production meaning it does not cause unseen waste and pollution for our waters.

Our Envelopes:

We encourage all of our clients to add a recycle logo to their mailings. Not only may this provide a discount on postage for the client but it also reminds the end reader to recycle their paper. In conjunction with this, we have a great data team which allows us to cleanse your data to ensure mailings only go to the correct addresses. Kill two birds with one stone and save on your postage as well as saving the environment!

Using the right materials:

When creating a mailing, our paper is always sourced from sustainable forests or use recycled paper. Aside from paper, we also provide the option to use vegetable-based inks which are better for the environment than other ink alternatives.

Staff Policies:

  • Drivers are asked to turn off vehicle engines while waiting in the delivery yard
  • We encourage bulk packaging of mailings when possible to reduce unnecessary wastage
  • Machines and lights are turned off when they’re not in use to save electricity
  • We encourage clients to minimise packaging by ensuring boxes aren’t oversized, or by doing away with packaging completely where possible
  • We operate a closed-door policy in our warehouses to ensure minimum heat wastage
  • Our staff are encouraged to share cars and use public transport when possible.
  • We are developing a new building which is environmentally efficient

To back this up, we are proud holders of the ISO 14001 Certification for Environmental Management. Take a look here at our Environmental Policy.

Need more information on how we can help you save money and the environment? Call us on 0800 699 0501 or email: enquiries@centralmailing.co.uk

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