How should you personalise a Direct Mail Campaign

How should you personalise a Direct Mail Campaign

First of all, there are many ways to personalise a direct mail campaign. But which ways are most successful?

Personal information
Adding personal information is the most obvious frequently used example of personalisation:

  • Gender – Personalise the mailshot by gender where there is likely to be a difference in gender response.
  • Name and address – The most simple;  personalising a mail piece to include names and addresses will show that it is not a mass mailing and that as a business you have awareness of the customer’s name and address details.

Personalised offers and promotions
Another way is to personalise offers and promotions through knowledge of the customers and their behavioural patterns:

  • Include offers (e.g. discounts or coupon codes), which are personalised to the customer’s interests or past purchases
  • Push related products or services. Customers will more than likely appreciate ‘other options’ and appreciate you are trying to help.

Customer Segmentation
Finally, segmenting the database will help in delivering a personalised campaign. Only send mail to one segment of similar customers, e.g. send a welcome message to new customers but leave out the customers you already have etc. This can be done by behavioural patterns or perhaps the city they live in.
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