What is Bulk Mailing?

Bulk mailing refers to managing and sending large quantities of mail at reduced rates, so it’s an incredibly useful tool for any business looking to expand and reach new customers, whilst keeping costs as low as possible.

It’s said that the average household receives 2 pieces of direct mail per day, whilst a single piece of mail is kept for an average of 17 days, so there are plenty of opportunities for businesses to make an impression on new and existing customers. Many businesses take advantage of bulk mail services as a way of reaching prospective customers with a more personable approach, and a mailing house such as ours can handle a couple of hundred to over a million mailings annually.

Combining modern technology with traditional marketing

Bulk mailing is a prime example of how you can utilise technology to enhance traditional marketing methods. Whether you require data management, mail fulfillment, design services, personalisation, SMS campaigns, storage, distribution, print, postage solutions or email broadcasts, Central Mailing can meet your needs. We have five automated folding machines including two cross-folders, and we can trim and perforate in-house. Our 4 Buhrs BB300 envelope-enclosing machines can enclose up to 8 inserts at one time, including booklets, whilst we have 4 high-speed polywrap machines from Norpak and Sitma. Simply put, we can have the ability to produce over 300,000 polywrapped mail packs in just 24 hours.

Bulk mailing advantages in more detail

Timesaving is of course one of the big advantages with bulk mailing, but there are plenty of other benefits too. Sending large quantities of mail can of course be very expensive, but with bulk mail you’re able to get the best possible postage rates based on the size of the pieces and your list. You’re also able to spark engagement and more businesses are now seeing the benefits of combining direct mail campaigns with digital marketing methods. As an example, if the campaign is managed correctly, 92% of your readers will go online after reading your mail, whilst 54% will engage with your social media pages.

Your business can also finally say goodbye to duplicates and wasted mail spend. A reliable bulk mail specialist such as Central Mailing utilises state of the art software to deliver data cleansing, de-duplication, sorting and segmenting. This is required if you’re looking to achieve maximums results. Adding the personal touch is easier too, and even if you have 500,000 people to reach with your direct mail campaigns, every single mailing can be personalised so you’re speaking directly to the recipient. This is not just a way of increasing impact; it can also promote trust and boost consumer response rates.

Bulk mailing has long been a cost effective and efficient way for businesses to engage with their target market, and with email traffic increasing and many users having to cope with e-mail overload, it makes perfect sense to ensure you’re also focusing on proven, traditional methods.

The Perfect Solution to your direct mail campaign 

So if you’re looking to co-ordinate a direct mail campaign for your company, then bulk mailing will certainly play a huge part of your strategy. But this goes beyond just sending correspondence in the form of a letter. A bulk campaign can involve sending out large quantities of Brochures, Catalogues, Magazines, Letters and more. And all of these services can be fulfilled here at Central Mailing.

We have been in the mailing industry for over 25 years and have built up much knowledge, experience and insights into the world of direct mail. If you and your company is looking for mailing services, then make sure you reach out to us.

If you’d like to learn more about our bulk mailing services, please do not hesitate to give us a call on 0800 699 0501

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