You’ve got ‘Royal’ Mail!

An Llanelli youngster received a right royal surprise after finding a letter from Buckingham Palace in his school’s Post-Box.

Jay Evans, 10, from Seaside, wrote to the Queen to congratulate her on her Diamond Jubilee, informing her about the celebrations held at his school and in his community.

The Year 5 pupil at Lakefield Primary School said he was excited to receive a reply thanking him for his letter.

“I can’t believe I had a letter from the Queen,” he said. “That is so awesome.”

His Granddad John Thomas, 62, who posted the letter on his behalf, was also thrilled for Jay.

“I’m chuffed to bits for him,” he said.

“He didn’t think he’d hear anything back but I told him: You never know.”

Jay is sure to give this personalised letter the attention it deserves, as opposed to a boring generic email.

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